About Me

My photo
Pulau Stiletto, sarawak, Malaysia
hanya seorang gadis buta bermata galak, gadis tempang berkaki dua, gadis hodoh berwajah ayu. aku tahu siapa aku..tapi siapa kamu? bukan omongan kosong tapi sekadar pertanyaan retorik seorang pemikir radikal yang memakai stiletto. bukan kamu..tapi aku.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

when B meet with O meet with R then knock into E!!

Hmmm...wat a boring day i hed now.. lead a life without doing nothing is such a boring thing i,ve done in this world. watching TV...watching TV..watching TV... BORINGGGGGGGGG... and my bro will go to UTM in the middle of next month..hmm..i'm going to miss him and my youngest bro will live alone with my parents.. how sad..huhu... boringggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg..............

Sunday, November 23, 2008

flowing chronology in KL...

hola..i flt very happy flwing my precious time at KL..wat a nice day i hed there.. felt like something glittering and shining boost up in my heart.. huhu.. when i can get that moment again... meeting new friends from others country shows how i really appreciate people surrounding me.. meeting lot of minister who lead many state in Malaysia also put myself in world which is ful of leadership... and the mostimportant moment in my life is when i met many artist once i watched the showcase..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...not showcase but the theater musical of impak maksima..........wooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww thats is the only thing dat i can ex[ress through words..and meet my favouriteeeeeeeeeee artists..ZULHUZAIMY.. made me like want to fainted...uwaaaaaaaaaa... i like him so much....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

will i be like that...huhuhu
i keep on imagining one day i will stand in front of others without fears and abundance of confidence in myself. i want to involve myself in politic field..will i achieve it or it just some kind of daydreaming in the chronology of my life. thats connect me one song by amylea. Cinderella. just feeling crazy with that song.. hatiku..inginku..anganku..mimpiku.. yeah..when we just thinking without any work on will be a 'mimpi' untuil the end of our last breath.. so.. just one thing need to be emphasis here. work on it..and i will be.. foooohhh... keep me away from any obligations from what i'm saying. amin..


Aku mahu jadi debutante
Aku mahu orang hormati aku
Aku mahu orang tahu siapa aku dalam dunia mereka
Aku mahu orang angkat pandangan mereka bila pandang aku
Tetapi orang kata debutante ini sombong
Orang kata debutante selalu pandang rendah orang lain
Orang kata debutante ambil enteng pendapat orang lain
Debutante tidak begitu
Debutante tinggi status sosialnya dari orang lain
Debutante bila berpakaian mereka bergaya
Debutante bila berjalan mereka berjaga
Debutante bila bercakap mereka beretika
Debutante bila ketawa mereka ada batasannya
Debutante bila makan mereka ada adabnya
Inilah debutante
Orang tidak tahu
Bila orang lihat debutante
Mereka sinis, mereka tidak idealis, mereka tidak kritis,
Mungkin perspektif mereka dari obliknya sahaja, sedangkan aku lihat dari seluruh pelan nyata,
Aku mahu beretika, aku mahu berjaga, aku mahu adabnya, aku mahu batasannya, bukan egonya, bukan lagaknya dan bukan seluruh dunia mereka.
Sedarlah orang, jangan leka dengan dunia biadapmu, jangan leka dengan dunia rakusmu dan jangan leka dengan dunia semberenomu,
Ikut jejak aku, aku ikut debutante,
Dan jaminanku kamu tidak akan rugi waima sekelumit hampas padi
Jika jaminanku ini tidak terbukti, penjaralah aku dalam lokap dendam di hati kamu.
Kerana akulah yang khabarkan pada kamu supaya ikut jejak aku jadi debutante.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

i've found the light.. at last

i keep on finding something which is i thought i will never found it in life...

now i know Allah is very fair, the almighty. i never expected i will find love at this moment.

what a precious time i've ever had. with him i felt that the world is mine, or in simple words the world is created for us. thanks for emerging in my life dear. i will expose who is he in the next post. i'll try to tighten the chemistry between us. Insya'allah. May Allah bless us. Amin.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

face during the comp....

pertandingan bahas ala parlimen peringkat kebangsaan 2008

The most suitable words to express my feelings about this 5 days journey is FANTASTIC BOOM BOOM.. even i am very exhausted but i felt very satisfied with what i have done in this Debate Competititon. meeting new friends from other teacher's college around Malaysia showed us how this genre of competition should be held often so that continuously communication among teacher's trainee will be fulfuilled. 3 charming prince from I.P Temenggong Ibrahim Johor emerged as the champion of the game when they managed to win over I.P Tengku Ampuan Afzan. And i was a lil' bit shocked when the others competitor told me that the best speaker of the final competition is the son of the popular song composer, Julfekar. small this world is.. instead of getting experience and fun i also faced some stupidobstacle there. i really in a sad and damn angry situation when one of my team member said something which is i think too stupid. even 'he' is not sarawakian but when the words 'tak pernah pegi tempat orang' and 'ni tempat orang la ko tak yah sebok' make me felt like he is underestimatting me. what a shamed!! and start from that moment i promised with myself for not talking with that person and until now i managed to 'be silent' to him because for me only stupid person can say that stupid words. haha.. but overall.. nice journey with all IPG in Malaysia. hope we can meet again in the next coming years..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

aku byak sarawak

this comic i wrote by my own. and using adobe to create it. in my own mother tounge language..

Saturday, September 13, 2008

how sad.

just love to make a various photo of my friend...

Monday, September 8, 2008


Sunday, September 7, 2008

my henna

i try to create my own henna design.. and these is those design..


Monday, August 18, 2008



Wednesday, August 6, 2008

i'm yours..

i like this song very much.. WHY? i also dont know.. even the lyrics very relate to my feelings. and there so many tremendous word in this cheeky song.. with the melody of the aqoustic guitar flow harmoniously with the singer make this song in my first priority list when on my laptop.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So, sapa yang nak makan yong tau fu tuh baik2 laa….


Jika anda penggemar kangkung, tidak kira ca kangkung, petiskangkung, kangkung cos, dll yang berkaitan dengan kangkung, mungkinceritaini dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi Anda when you want to eat kangkung.

saya mendapat cerita ini daripada satu laman web yang saya surf. mulanya saya just nak cari pasal isu perkorporatan IPTA tapi terjumpa pulak benda alah ni..
ikutilah kisah ni..
agak2 best jugak la..

Pada suatu hari di klinik yang terkenal, semua doktor kebingungankerana ada seorang anak kecil yang menderita sakit perut.Anak itu dibawa ke klinik oleh orang tuanya setelah 2 harimenderita diarhea. Sudah bermacam ubat sakit perut yang diberikan kepadaanakitu, namun diarheanya tidak sembuh.Di klinik orang tua anak tersebut ditanya oleh doktor,makanan apa yang dimakan oleh anak tersebut selama 2 hari ini.Orang tua anak itu kebingungan, kerana sejak anaknya diarhea anak tersebut tidak mau makan, dia hanya minum susu, itu pun akan muntah semula.Setelah dikaji, ternyata sebelum menderita diarhea, malamnya anak tersebut baru saja diajak makan kangkung cos direstoran oleh orang tuanya.Dokter segera melakukan xray, ternyata di usus anak tersebut telahberkembang biak lintah dengan anaknya yang kecil-kecil. Doktor surrenderdan menyatakan tidak sanggup mengambil tindakan medical apapun.Akhirnya anak kecil malang itupun meninggal dunia.setelah dikaji, ternyata lintah itu sebelumnya berada di dalam batang kangkung yang besar. Memang, untuk penggemar kangkung cos yang paling enak adalah batangnya. Lintah yang berada di dalam batang kangkung itu tidak akan mati walau dimasak selama manapun, apa lagi untuk kangkung cos proses memasak tidak terlalu lama untuk menghasilkan rasa kangkung yang enak. lintah hanya akan mati jika dibakar. Di dalam usus anak tadi, lintah yang tadinya hanya 1 dalam 2 hari berkembang biak dengan cepatnya karena terus menerus menghisapdarah yang ada, doktor juga kebingungan, bagaimana mematikan/membersihkan lintah yang telah sangat banyak tersebut dari dalam usus anak malangitu. Jujur, sejak mendengar cerita itu, kesukaan saya terhadap kangkung menjadi berkurang, boleh dibilang sudah 1 bulan ini saya sama sekali tidak makan kangkung dalam bentuk apa pun, bukan kerana menjadi paranoid, tapi bagi Saya lebih baik menjaga segala kemungkinan yang ada, masih banyak sayur lain yang dapat kita makan dengan meminimumkan segala kemungkinan “lintah” yang terselip di dalamnya.

Semoga cerita ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan untuk kita semua sebelum masak/makan kangkung......

Saturday, August 2, 2008

various type of CD

Recording to CD - quick summary
There are two main types of media:
CD R - you can record to these, but only once
CD RW - you can record and erase these
DVD R and RW - similar, hold more data, but more formats and more opportunity for incompatibilities between media, drives and readers.
Blu-ray DVD - one of several emerging standards for high capacity DVDs (external link)
There's more than one type of cd drive, and they tend to look similar. Some can only read CDs, others can record to recordable CDs as well, these will hopefully have 'Recordable' or 'Rewritable' on the drive door.
Computers with drives that record are likely to have CD recording software on them too. Find that, and use it to record to your CD - at its simplest, this will involve starting the software, assembling a list of the files you want to put on the CD, and then having the software 'Burn' the CD in one operation. When a recording fails, the result is likely to be a trashed disk, so have a few spares available, especially the first time you use the software.

Why Bill Gates decides to Sell OFF MicrosoftBanta had recently purchased a new computer with Microsoft Windows asthe O/S and was unhappy with the same and writes a letter to BillGates, regarding the same.Dear Mr. Bill Gates,We have bought a computer for our home and we have found someproblems, which I want to bring to your notice.
1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We requestyou to check this.
2. One doubt is whether any 're-scooter' is available in system? Ifind only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
3. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lostthe door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this 'find' button,but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.
4. My child has learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?
5. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only oneicon which shows 'My Computer' when you will provide the remainingitems?
6. It is surprising that windows says 'MY Pictures' but there is noteven a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that
7. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I usethe PC at home only.
8. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My PastDocuments'?
9. You provide 'My Network Places'. For God sake please do not provide'My Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go aftermy office hours.

Last one to Mr. Bill Gates: Sir, how is it that your name is Gates butyou are selling WINDOWS?

Friday, August 1, 2008

appreciation for muslimah

hidup di dunia ini jangan jadi kerdipan bintang. hanya menyinar tatkala malam membenarkan. jadilah seperti angin. bebas bertiup di mana sahaja. bezanya kencang atau sepoi. dan jika angin itu tidak bertiup, bukan bermakna angin itu tiada tapi itu kerana angin itu sedar akan haluannya...